Worship Pastor / Composer Travis L. Boyd & wife, Cynthia, sharing faith, inspiration, & discipleship resources, plus music & more for worship ministry. * We also provide info about Worship Sounds Music, found at the links to our Publishers & Distributors ~ Choral Anthems * Solos * Orchestrations * Worship Songs * Accompaniment Trax (See blog sidebar)

shepherds seeking“Come and See” is a poem that I wrote during the 2013 Christmas season as my heart was touched once more by God’s gift of love and Christ’s humble and miraculous birth.  It was originally posted on January 1st, 2014, along with a devotion I had prepared about the shepherds on the night of Jesus’ birth.

(See a link to the original blog post, also called, “Come and See,” in which the poem was first published at the end of this article.)

Below, you will find the poem by the same title, prepared as a Reader’s Theatre script for 2 readers.

Come and See
A Reader’s Theatre Script for 2 readers

based upon the poem written by
Cynthia Boyd

Reader 1:

Come, lowly shepherds! Now, arise!
Heavenly angels fill the starlit skies,
For in Bethlehem, the promised Child is born.
Come, and see God’s only begotten Son.

Reader 2:

And He will care for His flock like a shepherd,
He will give His life for the sheep.
His tender mercies will comfort the fallen,
And He will bind the wounds of the weak.

Jesus shepherd stained glass tallReader 1:

Come, wise men searching for a King.
Follow the star; your treasures bring.

Reader 2:

For in Bethlehem the King of Kings is born
Come, and see this blessed, Holy One.

Reader 1:

And He will rise, triumphant and Holy.
He will reign in the Heavens above.
He will fill the hearts of His people
And conquer hatred with His pure love.

Reader 2:

Come, pilgrim seeking Heaven’s joy.
Behold “God with us” in this boy.
For the Prince of Peace has come to grace this Earth.
Come, and see Salvation’s humble birth.

Reader 2:

And He will calm the storm of temptation
He will heal the sickness of sin.
He will break the chains of the pris’ner
And give new life to us within.

Reader 1:

Come, wand’rer chasing empty lies.
Behold the Truth! Lift up your eyes!

Reader 2:

For the Light of the World is here to set you free.
Come, and see the Lamb of Calvary.

Reader 1:

And He will shine as Star of the Morning.
He will take your hand in the night.
He will slay the dragon of darkness
And fill the shadows with His light.

Reader 2:

Come, seeker looking for the Way.
Let Christ be born in you today.
For the Lord of All has come to take your place.
Come, and see your Redeemer’s face.

Reader 1:

And He will guard your heart and your tomorrows.
He will wash away every stain.

Reader 2:

He will redeem each one of your sorrows.
And bring you joy even through pain.

Reader 1:

For He is Lord, Messiah, and Savior.

Reader 2:

He is Emmanuel, King of Kings.

Reader 1:

He is the Alpha and the Omega.

Reader 2:

He is the one of whom angels sing.


Come, and see.

~  Original poem by Cynthia A. Boyd
Copyright December 2013

Original Post Link

The original blog post in which the poem, “Come and See” was published also features a brief Bible Study / devotional from Luke, Chapter 2.  It deals with the shepherds and the four actions or reactions they displayed on the night of Jesus’ birth.

Here’s the post link:

Come and See

Permission Requests Info: 

This Reader’s Theater Script may be copied for use during a worship service or Christmas program without obtaining specific permission (make enough copies for your readers and directors).  We’d love to hear how you used it if you’d like to share later on, but that’s not a requirement.

Note:  If a video of your presentation including “Come and See” is posted anywhere online, please add a link to this post (as the source for the poem) in your video information.  this will enable others to find the poem as well.

“Come and See” may not be published in any print form or on any website without the author’s permission.  Please comment on this post to request permission.  Comments must be approved, so no other reader’s will see your request.  We will see your request as a comment awaiting approval and be able to reply to you privately.


Looking for answers for yourself or for a friend?

Thank you for spending your valuable time reading the contents of this post. We hope that it has been helpful to you. If you or someone that you know is looking for answers about life, we hope that you will visit our page called “Do You Know Jesus?”. The links provided on this page will help to answer life’s deepest questions. Here is the link to “Do You Know Jesus?”: http://www.worshipsounds.wordpress.com/do-you-know-jesus/

Please feel free to share this URL with anyone who is looking for answers about life and eternity.

Comments on: "“Come and See” Christmas Reader’s Theatre Script" (9)

  1. Our church in Canada is performing its 25th Anniversary Christmas Eve Service for our community. Would you mind if we performed the worship poem.


    • Thank you for your interest in the poem, Al. It would be absolutely fine for your church to use “Come and See” for your Christmas Eve service. If you’d like to comment again to give me your e-mail address (unseen by the public because comments must be approved by us to be seen), I’d be glad to send you a PDF of the Reader’s Theatre version that prints off a lot nicer than printing it from the blog. We intend to put the free PDF on our Worship Sounds Music website, http://www.worshipsounds.com , where it can be downloaded easily; but we just have not accomplished that yet. The piece can be used free of charge for any unpaid performance but just can’t be published on the web or in print without permission. Thank you for asking. We hope that it will be a blessing to your congregation.

      Travis and Cynthia Boyd


  2. Dixie Loy, Ruling Elder said:

    Thank you for the wonderful poem and message of His Good News! We do give God all the glory! As part of our annual Advent/Christmas program our women’s study group would like to use the poem at our meeting on 12/12/16. We will have a lesson from our current Bible Study, “Who is Jesus, what a difference a lense makes” by Judy Yates Siker and read your wonderful poem and story from Luke 2. Our lesson encompasses the book of Luke.


    • We would be thrilled to have “Come and See” be used during your Christmas worship program. Use it with our blessing. I believe that our conditions for using the poem are at the end of the post, and restrictions only apply to reprinting or broadcasting the poem (permission would be needed for that). If you are going to make a video of your presentation and post it online, please make sure that a link back to the post is listed as the source for “Come and See”. Thank you, and have a blessed Christmas.

      Travis and Cynthia Boyd


  3. Hi, I would like to use your poem at our church’s small “Christmas Coffeehouse” event, this Sunday (12/18), in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Would that be okay?


    • Yes, it would be absolutely fine to use “Come and See” during your church’s worship presentation. If you are going to post a video online later, please include in the video information a link to the post as the source of the poem so that others may find it as well. It may be used in live worship services and programs and any time and restrictions (permission) applies primarily to reprinting or online posting without attribution. Blessing to you as you celebrate Christ this Christmas season.

      Travis and Cynthia Boyd


  4. Myra Meade said:

    Hi ,I would love to use your poem for our Christmas presentation .This would be excellent for our adult class.


  5. Nancy Scott said:

    Would love to do this at our small church. Would be perfect.


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