Worship Pastor / Composer Travis L. Boyd & wife, Cynthia, sharing faith, inspiration, & discipleship resources, plus music & more for worship ministry. * We also provide info about Worship Sounds Music, found at the links to our Publishers & Distributors ~ Choral Anthems * Solos * Orchestrations * Worship Songs * Accompaniment Trax (See blog sidebar)

Archive for the ‘* READER’S THEATER SCRIPTS – Drama Ministry’ Category

“Come and See” Christmas Reader’s Theatre Script

shepherds seeking“Come and See” is a poem that I wrote during the 2013 Christmas season as my heart was touched once more by God’s gift of love and Christ’s humble and miraculous birth.  It was originally posted on January 1st, 2014, along with a devotion I had prepared about the shepherds on the night of Jesus’ birth.

(See a link to the original blog post, also called, “Come and See,” in which the poem was first published at the end of this article.)

Below, you will find the poem by the same title, prepared as a Reader’s Theatre script for 2 readers.

Come and See
A Reader’s Theatre Script for 2 readers

based upon the poem written by
Cynthia Boyd

Reader 1:

Come, lowly shepherds! Now, arise!
Heavenly angels fill the starlit skies,
For in Bethlehem, the promised Child is born.
Come, and see God’s only begotten Son.

Reader 2:

And He will care for His flock like a shepherd,
He will give His life for the sheep.
His tender mercies will comfort the fallen,
And He will bind the wounds of the weak.

Jesus shepherd stained glass tallReader 1:

Come, wise men searching for a King.
Follow the star; your treasures bring.

Reader 2:

For in Bethlehem the King of Kings is born
Come, and see this blessed, Holy One.

Reader 1:

And He will rise, triumphant and Holy.
He will reign in the Heavens above.
He will fill the hearts of His people
And conquer hatred with His pure love.

Reader 2:

Come, pilgrim seeking Heaven’s joy.
Behold “God with us” in this boy.
For the Prince of Peace has come to grace this Earth.
Come, and see Salvation’s humble birth.

Reader 2:

And He will calm the storm of temptation
He will heal the sickness of sin.
He will break the chains of the pris’ner
And give new life to us within.

Reader 1:

Come, wand’rer chasing empty lies.
Behold the Truth! Lift up your eyes!

Reader 2:

For the Light of the World is here to set you free.
Come, and see the Lamb of Calvary.

Reader 1:

And He will shine as Star of the Morning.
He will take your hand in the night.
He will slay the dragon of darkness
And fill the shadows with His light.

Reader 2:

Come, seeker looking for the Way.
Let Christ be born in you today.
For the Lord of All has come to take your place.
Come, and see your Redeemer’s face.

Reader 1:

And He will guard your heart and your tomorrows.
He will wash away every stain.

Reader 2:

He will redeem each one of your sorrows.
And bring you joy even through pain.

Reader 1:

For He is Lord, Messiah, and Savior.

Reader 2:

He is Emmanuel, King of Kings.

Reader 1:

He is the Alpha and the Omega.

Reader 2:

He is the one of whom angels sing.


Come, and see.

~  Original poem by Cynthia A. Boyd
Copyright December 2013

Original Post Link

The original blog post in which the poem, “Come and See” was published also features a brief Bible Study / devotional from Luke, Chapter 2.  It deals with the shepherds and the four actions or reactions they displayed on the night of Jesus’ birth.

Here’s the post link:

Come and See

Permission Requests Info: 

This Reader’s Theater Script may be copied for use during a worship service or Christmas program without obtaining specific permission (make enough copies for your readers and directors).  We’d love to hear how you used it if you’d like to share later on, but that’s not a requirement.

Note:  If a video of your presentation including “Come and See” is posted anywhere online, please add a link to this post (as the source for the poem) in your video information.  this will enable others to find the poem as well.

“Come and See” may not be published in any print form or on any website without the author’s permission.  Please comment on this post to request permission.  Comments must be approved, so no other reader’s will see your request.  We will see your request as a comment awaiting approval and be able to reply to you privately.


Looking for answers for yourself or for a friend?

Thank you for spending your valuable time reading the contents of this post. We hope that it has been helpful to you. If you or someone that you know is looking for answers about life, we hope that you will visit our page called “Do You Know Jesus?”. The links provided on this page will help to answer life’s deepest questions. Here is the link to “Do You Know Jesus?”: http://www.worshipsounds.wordpress.com/do-you-know-jesus/

Please feel free to share this URL with anyone who is looking for answers about life and eternity.

“What is Worship?” Reader’s Theater Script

Worship is God's invitation to transformation.

Worship is God’s invitation to transformation.

This Reader’s Theater script about worship can be utilized during a worship service for the purpose of sharing these truths about what worship is and is not with God’s people, helping them to more fully understand the depth of meaning, relationship, and surrender found in true worship.  The Readers can be students or adults.  They need to be well-prepared through rehearsal so that the sharing of these truths can be meaningful and thought-provoking.


What is Worship?

A Reader’s Theater Script
designed for 3 readers

written by
Travis L. Boyd

Worship Pastor–We hear a lot about worship these days, but what is worship?

Speaker #1 – Worship is believing that God is.

Speaker #2—Worship is recognizing God’s greatness.

Speaker #3—Worship is seeking to know God on a deeper level.

Speaker #1 – Worship is surrendering to the will of God completely.

Speaker #2—Worship is living for God’s glory, not my own.

Speaker #3—Worship is experiencing God’s presence personally.

Speaker #1—Worship is not a great old hymn.

Speaker #2—Worship is not a wonderful new song.

Speaker #3—Worship is not a sermon.

Speaker #1—Worship is our response to God.

Speaker #2—We may worship with a great old hymn.

Speaker #3—We may worship with a wonderful new song.

Speaker #1—We may worship as God’s word is preached.

Speaker #2—The important thing is that we do worship.

Speaker #3—We must focus this hour on God and not ourselves.

Speaker #1—Not on what we want to sing.

Speaker #2—Not on what we want to hear.

Speaker #3—Not on what we want to feel.

All Speakers— Worship is our response to God.




The above Reader’s Theater Script may be utilized free of charge
for verbal presentation during Worship Services, Small group meetings,
Sunday School classes, Youth Group meetings, and Bible Studies
with no further permission required.

However, this piece may not be published in any form
(magazine, newsletter, etc.) without permission.

Please comment to request permission for publication.
Your comment will not be seen by others
since comments must be approved in order to appear on our blog.
It will, however, enable us to communicate with you about securing permission.

Thank you for your consideration.


NOTE:  For additional descriptions and definitions of worship, see our post, Worship: Definitions and Quotations .

Additional posts on the subject of worship:

Worship…it’s all about Giving!

Worship Planning and Preparation

Or, to see all of our posts on the subject of worship, visit our “Worship… with Wonder” category:  https://worshipsounds.wordpress.com/category/worship-with-wonder/



Looking for answers for yourself or for a friend?

Thank you for spending your valuable time reading the contents of this page. We hope that it has been helpful to you. If you or someone that you know is looking for answers about life, we hope that you will visit our page called “Do You Know Jesus?”. The links provided on this page will help to answer life’s deepest questions. Here is the link to “Do You Know Jesus?”: http://www.worshipsounds.wordpress.com/do-you-know-jesus/

Please feel free to share this URL with anyone who is looking for answers about life and eternity.


“He is Jesus!” ~ Reader’s Theater Script

This Reader’s Theater script may be presented in a local church without cost or further permission.  See our usage permission information at the end of this post for full details.



DIRECTOR’S  NOTE:  This Reader’s Theater Script calls for 3 readers.  Two of the readers should be male, and one should be female.  A media presentation could be added for greater impact, with appropriate slides to aid in telling the story.  This script could be used at any time of year, but it would be especially effective on Palm Sunday or Easter Sunday. 


Female Reader:  Prophets foretold His birth centuries before it occurred.
An angel appeared to His mother to announce the miracle of his conception.

Male ReaderHis Father chose as His mother an unknown maiden with a heart inclined to God and ready to surrender herself to God’s will.

Female Reader:  He left His heavenly home to come into a world that seemed to have no room for Him.

Male ReaderHe was born in Bethlehem to fulfill prophecy of His royal birth.

Female Reader:  And yet, He was born in the humblest of circumstances in order to identify fully with humankind and because He had no intention of becoming an earthly King.

Male ReaderHis birth was celebrated by angels and accompanied by a phenomenal Heavenly star in order to proclaim His deity.

Female Reader:  Modest working men were the first to hear of His coming, demonstrating that no wealth is necessary to know Him.

Male ReaderWise men of wealth and position travelled from far away to bring gifts to Him and worship the One whose birth could be seen in the Heavens, showing that He was and is the King of Kings.

Female Reader:  He astonished the well-educated scholars in the temple at a young age, demonstrating that He is the Word made flesh.

Male ReaderHe healed sickness, demonstrating His compassion and His power over human frailty.
He raised the dead, demonstrating His power over death and the coming end of sorrow.

Female Reader:  He multiplied the provisions of men, taking care of earthly need and demonstrating that God can take what we offer and do more with it that we could imagine.
He walked on water and calmed the storm, demonstrating His supremacy over all created things and what we call the “laws of nature.”

Male Reader:  He taught with authority because He was the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
Female Reader:  He taught profound truth through the simplicity of parables so that all people and even children could understand.

Male ReaderHe wept at the sorrow of death and at the tragic cost of rejecting God’s plan, demonstrating His incarnation.

Female Reader:  He is Emmanuel, God with us,… even in grief, in sorrow, in rejection, and in loss.

Male Reader:  He demonstrated humility in washing the feet of His own disciples.

Female Reader:  He foretold His own death and resurrection and the denial of one of His closest followers.

Male Reader:  He chose God’s will for Himself and submitted to a mockery of a trial so that He could take our guilt.

Female Reader:  He was beaten, despised, humiliated and condemned so that we could be redeemed.

Male Reader:  He carried much more than a heavy wooden cross on His back.
He carried the weight of the sin of all mankind.

Female Reader:  The hands that blessed and healed were nailed to a cross.

Male Reader:  The beautiful feet that had carried the message of God’s love and mercy were pierced so that He could carry our sin to the mercy seat.

Female Reader:  The heart that beat with more love than you or I could fathom was stilled as He gave up His life so that we could have life everlasting.

Male ReaderHe commited His spirit to God and spoke the words of victory that echo through eternity: “It is finished!”

** (Drama  Director’s Note:  Here, a flash of light followed by momentary darkness would be very dramatic and appropriate.  At the very least, there should be a slight pause before the reading resumes.)

Prophetic Voice:  “He was in the beginning with God, and with Him everything that was created was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.”

Male and Female ReadersHe is life, and He came to give life. And yet, …He endured death, …and darkness, …and Hell.

Prophetic Voice “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

Male Reader:  He did not stay in the tomb. He was no longer there, for He had risen, just as He said.

Female Reader:  He appeared to Mary, to his disciples, and to other followers. He was not bound by death or by the walls of a tomb.

Male and Female Readers:  He is alive!

Male Reader:  After spending some time with them, He told His followers that He must leave so that the Holy Spirit could come and inhabit the hearts of all believers.

Female Reader:  He told them what he would be doing while they were apart.
He is preparing a place in Heaven, reigning as Sovereign Lord at the right hand of God the Father, and praying for believers.

Male Reader:  He gave them their mission:

Prophetic Voice:  “Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the world.”

Male Reader:  He is with us. He is praying for us. He is preparing a place for us.

Female Reader:  He is still changing lives, touching hearts, and healing hurts.

Male and Female Readers:  He is the Savior of the world.

Male Reader:  He is the Redeemer whose love for mankind could not be crucified.

Female Reader:  He is the Lord of All.

Male Reader:  He is the beginning and the end.

Female Reader:  He is the Bridegroom, whose love for His bride, the Church, is the most pure and sacrificial of all loves.

Male ReaderHe is the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world.

Female Reader:  He is the Living Water, bringing unquenchable life.

Male Reader:  He is the King of Glory and the hope of mankind.

Female Reader:  He is the joy of man’s desiring.

Male and Female Readers:  He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

Prophetic Voice joins Male and Female Readers:  He is Jesus!



This post originated in the heart of God before the foundation of the World.
The words were put together by Cynthia A. Boyd to proclaim Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Do you know someone who is looking for answers?

Thank you for spending your valuable time reading the contents of this page. We hope that it has been helpful to you. If you or someone that you know is looking for answers about life, we hope that you will visit our page called “Do You Know Jesus?”. The links provided on this page will help to answer life’s deepest questions. Here is the link to “Do You Know Jesus?”: http://www.worshipsounds.wordpress.com/do-you-know-jesus/

Please feel free to share this URL with anyone who is looking for answers about life and eternity.


“He is Jesus!”, copyright 2012 by Cynthia A. Boyd, all rights reserved.
* Sharing in a publication or on a website: To share this post, only the URL (see below) may be copied or posted unless permission is obtained. Permission may be requested through a comment on this post. The comment will not be seen by anyone but our blog editor, and we will correspond with you by e-mail. http://www.worshipsounds.wordpress.com/2012/01/03/he-is-jesus/
* Reader’s Theater presentation: Permission is granted for printing copies for 3 readers and a drama coach in order to present this as a reader’s theater presentation in a local church. However, permission must be obtained for audio or video recording if this is used as a reading.
We’ve done the preparation work for you! (See link below)
Note: A  non – Reader’s Theater  version of this post, written as prose, can be found at:


“Ministry Moments” Reader’s Theater Script

People should think of us as servants of Christ and managers who are entrusted with God's mysteries.I Corinthians 4:1

People should think of us as servants of Christ and managers who are entrusted with God’s mysteries.
I Corinthians 4:1

(Permission is granted to use this script free of charge for worship services.  Permission is required for broadcast or publication.  See further information at the end of this post.)

“Ministry Moments”

Reader’s Theater Script

 Requiring five expressive readers
and sufficient rehearsal time
to present the message with excellence

Written by Cynthia A. Boyd
WorshipSounds Music Blog @ http://www.worshipsounds.wordpress.com

The reading should involve readers who are able to express the truths found in this script meaningfully and with appropriate facial expression and eye contact.  The five readers can stand in a line or in an inverted V, with reader one at the front and center.  Special lighting and media may be used if desired (taking into account the need to view the script if it is not fully memorized).


READER ONE:  God is always at work, reaching out to the hearts of people and helping believers to grow in Him.

READER TWO:  Often, we are not fully aware of how He is at work within us.

READER THREE:  The moments when we become aware of His ministry are a blessing.

READER FOUR:  because ministry moments reveal the loving and tender heart of out God.

READER FIVE: Ministry moments take place when God speaks to human hearts and does His work within us…

ALL: He invites you to be a part of them!

READER ONE: The Almighty God,

READER TWO: The Maker of Heaven and Earth,

READER THREE: The First and the Last,

READER FOUR: The King of all ages,

READER FIVE: The Savior of Mankind, who has chosen to demonstrate His love and mercy by the giving of Himself,

READER ONE: The One True God, who has chosen to be with us and within us,

READER THREE: The Father of mercy and God of all comfort

ALL: Invites you…. Yes, you!….

READER TWO: To know Him,

READER FOUR: to walk in relationship with Him,

READER FIVE: to experience the reality of Faith in Him,

ALL: to join Him in the work of His Kingdom,

READER TWO: to catch glimpses of His glory,

READER THREE: and to worship Him in the beauty of His Holiness. here and now in this earthly life and for all of eternity.

READER ONE: And in this lifetime, He promises abundance. In His covenant with us, He promises to adopt us as His Sons and Daughters of Redemption. He blesses our lives with the nearness of His presence and the gifts of His spirit.

READER TWO: Our abundance is found in love, joy, peace, gentleness, kindness, patience, faithfulness, goodness, and self-control…the fruits of His Spirit at work in our lives.

READER THREE: This is evidence of His tender care for those He calls His own. He reveals His handiwork and His presence in our lives through moments of recognition that come from somewhere deep inside the redeemed and ransomed heart.

READER FOUR: These are ministry moments…moments when something real and beautiful is taking place in the hearts and lives of people.

READER FIVE: True ministry moments are something that only God can do. Ministry moments can flow from God’s spirit to our hearts within any experience.

READER ONE: There are moments of openness to God’s spirit and the the message of redemption and grace when life can begin anew.

READER TWO: There are sometimes moments when there is no sound. There is only a holy hush, and nothing else seems appropriate.

READER THREE: There are times of jubilant joyfulness when the heart says “Thank you, Lord!”

READER FOUR: There are moments of revelation when a new understanding of truth has been gained.

READER FIVE: There are moments of praise when the truth of God’s majesty and the presence of God’s glory are so apparent and transcendant that it is as though we are transported right to the gates of Heaven.

ALL: There are moments of oneness with the Spirit of God that communicate His love for us far beyond what mere words could convey.

READER ONE: And yet, it is not these moments we seek. Our relationship with God and our desire to worship and praise Him are not longings for an experience or a moment. We are longing for Him. It is only in relationship with Him that God allows us to experience times when His spirit is at work in our hearts and lives in ways that we recognize and yet would have difficulty putting into words.

READER TWO: These moments when the Spirit of God is so clearly ministering to His people are reminders that ministry is never ours. True ministry can only take place when God is allowed to do His work in our hearts and lives to the extent that we become vessels of His grace, poured out through the ministry of His Holy Spirit.

READER THREE: Whether He chooses to do this in times of silence and waiting upon Him, or within a time of prayer,

READER FOUR: within a personal or corporate worship time, or as we gaze upon the splendor of His creation,

READER FIVE: at times when our hearts overflow with thankfulness, or through the message of a song, and even in the depths of a valley of sorrow,

ALL: God will speak and is speaking.

READER ONE: We just need to be ready to listen. Only then can we experience moments of true ministry that are not the result of our plans, our talents or our creativity.

READER TWO: Oh, no, these moments of true ministry flow only from His Spirit.

READER THREE: He can take the offerings of our worship and our praise, our preparation, our heartfelt longing to praise Him,

READER FOUR: the recognition of our need for him, and even our brokenness,

READER FIVE: and He can indwell the praises of His people.

READER FOUR: He lives in our praise.

READER THREE: He moves and works in our hearts within the context of our praise.

READER TWO: This kind of ministry, with all of its life-changing moments, is all His.

READER ONE: Allowing God’s ministry to take place within us and then flow out to touch the lives of others is our highest goal.  He ministers to us and then through us as we become active participants in His ministry.  Then, other hearts and lives can come to know Him and experience His personal ministry for themselves.

ALL:  “For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting; and His truth endures to all generations.”


Note:  This scripture, Psalm 100:5, can appear on your screens with the reference at the time that it is spoken by the readers.  The scripture can remain for a few seconds, as the readers exit the platform area.


This Reader’s Theater script can be copied and used for worship free of charge. However, if the service is to be broadcasted, permission for use is required. Permission for printing this script in any online or standard print publication is also required.  However, a reference can be made to this post, listing the post URL, free of charge in any publication.  E-mail Travis@worshipsounds.com for further information. See the post which contains only the script for the Reader’s Theater to print the script without the original post, and save paper.
It is found at:

Note: A suggested song to sing following this Reader’s Theater presentation would be “A Prayer for the Saints”, which is a modern hymn that expresses the longings and prayers of God’s people to know Him and to grow in their faith and in their walk with the Lord. This modern hymn is available on our website in two formats.
* There is an SATB Choral arrangement available for $15.00 (Master Copy PDF, from which you are allowed to make an unlimited number of copies for your choir and accompanists).
* There is also a Worship Pack available for $10.00, which includes the PDFs for a Vocal Solo with piano accompaniment, a reproducible lead sheet for rhythm section, and a reproducible hymn sheet in bulletin or hymnal insert size. (all of which come with permission granted to make copies as needed…for your church only).

“A Prayer for the Saiuts” is available on our website’s Adult Choir music page @ http://www.worshipsounds.com
Look for this thumbnail photo on our Adult Choir music page:

Click photo to go directly to the Adult Choir music page of our website, where "A Prayer for the Saints" can be found.

Click photo to go directly to the Adult Choir music page of our website, where “A Prayer for the Saints” can be found.

Here is a link to a Youtube video of the Choral anthem, “A Prayer for the Saints” : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4ostIootKU&feature=BFa&list=PLMJind8w21aQ26cyw7AKYC2xHGis9ZEG9


This Reader’s Theater Script is adapted from our original page, Ministry Moments at http://www.worshipsounds.wordpress.com/ministry-moments
@copyright WorshipSounds Music Blog, Cynthia A. Boyd

For further inspiration in your private worship and public witness, read our blog page entitled “Lifestyle Worship.”
For a useful worship scripture resource, see our blog page entitled “Lift Your Voice!”


Do you know someone who is looking for answers?

Thank you for spending your valuable time reading the contents of this page. We hope that it has been helpful to you. If you or someone that you know is looking for answers about life, we hope that you will visit our page called “Do You Know Jesus?”. The links provided on this page will help to answer life’s deepest questions. Here is the link to “Do You Know Jesus?”: http://www.worshipsounds.wordpress.com/do-you-know-jesus/

Please feel free to share this URL with anyone who is looking for answers about life and eternity.